How Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help?

Los Angeles personal injury attorney leads team at Angeleno Accident Lawyers
Accidents can result in severe personal injuries with the potential to change victims' lives forever. Some accidents may result in minor cuts or bruising. In contrast, others are so catastrophic that physical injuries result in severe burns, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and even fatalities. Under California law, accident victims injured by someone else's negligence can legally seek maximum financial compensation to recover damages.

In Southern California, the Los Angeles personal injury lawyers at Angeleno Accident Lawyers, an award-winning legal team that understands the physical and psychological trauma these catastrophic accidents can cause, are committed to helping personal injury victims recover.

Avvo Clients' Choice The National Trial Lawyers - Top 40 Under 40 Nation's Top One Percent - National Association of Distinguished Counsel Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum

With a 99% client success rate, our Los Angeles personal injury lawyer relentlessly defends accident victims' rights and helps recoup their losses. We can provide experienced legal counsel during difficult times and guide you through the legal process.

If you have questions about personal injuries, you or a loved one suffered from a car accident, or would like to learn more about the legal representation our award-winning personal injury law firm provides, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer.


Why Clients Choose Us As Their Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney

The top-rated legal team at Angeleno Accident Lawyers has years of experience helping countless personal injury victims recover maximum compensation from insurance companies.

The best personal injury lawyers can help you through the legal process
Our experienced personal injury lawyer aggressively negotiates with the defendant's insurance company to obtain the best results possible. Our personal injury law firm's proven methods have earned us multiple awards and honors.

Other benefits of choosing the Los Angeles personal injury firm of Angeleno Accident Lawyers include the following:


Types of Personal Injury Cases in Los Angeles

Personal injury law is also known as tort law.

California law allows an injured person harmed by someone else's negligence or wrongful actions to seek compensation. Injury victims can file most personal injury claims from various incidents; however, an injury itself does not automatically assume someone is liable.

An auto accident in Los Angeles, CA. Call a personal injury attorney if you have questions about your insurance coverage.Motor vehicle accidents are unique and can occur based on several factors. With the heavy traffic congestion in Los Angeles, motor vehicle accidents happen daily.

These personal injury scenarios can involve passenger vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, commercial trucks and delivery vehicles, rideshares (Uber and Lyft), and pedestrians. The personal injury umbrella also includes brain injuries, slip and fall accidents, and wrongful death.

Here are some of the most common personal injury cases in which our personal injury law firm has successfully recovered compensation for our clients:

Statute of Limitations in California

There is a limited time frame to file personal injury claims.

California personal injury laws allow most accident victims two years to file a personal injury claim against the party responsible. Sometimes, exceptions can extend this deadline. Experienced personal injury lawyers will know these legalities and confirm exceptional circumstances.

Additionally, your Los Angeles personal injury lawyer will determine who to file the claim against, as multiple parties can be held accountable, like numerous motorists, vehicle manufacturers, or government/city agencies.

Contact us if you need to file a personal injury claim before the deadline or want a free consultation from the best personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles.

What if You’re Partially Responsible?

California is a pure comparative fault state, which means an injured accident victim will still receive compensation even if both parties are partially liable for the accident; this is called comparative negligence.

The courts will determine the percentage of liability to each party involved. Depending on each person's involvement in the accident, they will reduce the amount.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim

After an accident, seek immediate medical attention.

A personal injury attorney can help you with the complex details involved in filing a claim

Seeking medical treatment is the first step in filing a successful personal injury claim. Even if the injuries appear minor, do not self-diagnose and seek medical treatment. Only a medical professional can accurately determine the severity and treatment of accident injuries. Medical bills and documentation are crucial evidence in your personal injury case.

Next, your personal injury attorney must prove liability. Because California is an at-fault state, negligence laws require proof that the other party was responsible for causing the accident that resulted in your injuries.

An experienced personal injury attorney can help by conducting an investigation, collecting strong evidence, obtaining the police report and medical records, and filing a personal injury lawsuit against each appropriate party. A Los Angeles personal injury attorney must prove negligence to receive fair compensation for your personal injury case.

If you were in Los Angeles and sustained a catastrophic injury in an accident, call our personal injury lawyer for a free consultation.

Recovering Compensation For Injuries

After being injured in an accident, you have the legal right to recover compensation to account for your losses.

Damages that can be reimbursed include:

How Much Do Personal Injury Lawyers Cost?

While searching for legal representation, you may find that not all personal injury attorneys offer the same fee arrangements.

Some personal injury attorneys charge a fixed or hourly fee for an initial consultation to assess your case. In contrast, others offer a free consultation. Some personal injury attorneys charge a retainer fee, a set fee based on their hourly rate when they take on your case.

The most common type of fee arrangement for personal injury cases is contingency-based. These personal injury attorneys are paid for their services on a contingency fee basis, meaning their fee is a percentage of the settlement amount awarded in a case.

If we don't win your case, we will not charge you for the legal representation we provided.

Schedule Your Free Consultation With An Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Do not accept the first offer from the defendant’s insurance company.

Angeleno Accident Lawyers - Of Counsel Personal Injury Attorney

Most personal injury cases are worth more than what many realize. Our knowledgeable and experienced personal injury lawyers at Angeleno Accident Lawyers will help our injured clients recover maximum compensation. We are fully prepared to pursue personal injury lawsuits in court if needed.

Our law firm will conduct negotiations with the insurance company and any other responsible parties involved in the car accident. Victims have rights in a personal injury case. Do not let aggressive insurance company adjusters attempt to get you to settle for less than you deserve.

Schedule a free consultation today with an experienced personal injury lawyer to learn more about your legal options and how the best personal injury lawyers in Los Angeles can help.

Awards & Recognition

Our award-winning law firm has garnered a winning reputation for success.

Client Testimonials

Read what some of our clients have said about working with our law firm and the results we were able to successfully accomplish.

Get Help From Our Personal Injury Lawyers

Only the best personal injury lawyers understand the complexities of your case. With our years of experience, 99% success track record, and devotion to defending your rights against insurance companies and negligent parties involved, you stand a chance to win the financial compensation owed to you.

Los Angeles personal injury lawyer and his award-winning team

If you have sustained a serious injury, don't hesitate to contact our law firm in Los Angeles for a free initial consultation.

Request a Free Consultation with a Personal Injury Lawyer Now

Angeleno Accident Lawyers

448 S. Hill St. Suite 1217
Los Angeles, CA 90013

(213) 510-9246